Note to self: Time to ditch WEP secured WiFi

You know how there’s a special class of thinks which sit on your list of items ‘to do’ but somehow never make it to the top and just don’t get done. Well the WiFi at home has been in that category for perhaps two years. I have an old, sprawling brick house and need three access points to provide reasonable coverage. When I set it up (in 2007, I think) WEP was already insecure and outdated but now its really an embarrassment.

What’s the problem? WEP is an antiquated standard which is easily broken allowing unknown users into your network. This tutorial show you how to reveal the holes in your WEP WiFi in three minutes.  So rather than providing security against malicious users all it does is provide a veneer of apparent security and block you family and mates from using your network.

This week it has to go….!

Is this the turning of the Australian privacy tide?

In a small step towards recognising the legitimately personal nature of metadata the Australian Privacy Commissioner has ordered telco Telstra to hand over personal metadata to journalist Ben Grubb after a two year dispute. The story is covered by ABC here.

The ruling appears to represent a different point of view to that espoused by the Abbott government which has argued that mandatory data retention laws did not retain personal information because metadata was analogous to no more than the address on an envelope (Abbott’s analogy in August 2014.)  Clearly information that records where I was, when and who I contacted is a lot more personal that that.  Also clearly, if the AFP posted an officer at my front gate to check what envelopes come into my letter box, I’d be worried.

The issue is briefly covered by Lateline reporter Margot O’Neil in a video here.

Annoyed? Google ‘citizens not suspects‘ or ‘electronic frontiers Australia‘.


Hello World

I’ve logged off, rebooted and restarted this blog to focus on my current interests of privacy, security, information management, surveillance and the role of government, all with an Australian focus. I will try to focus you attention and mine on developments occurring at home and around the globe.